Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happiness...What is it??

Ok. I dont have any followers yet but I aint been promoting my shit!! Got a job & I've been busy so, I need to hire a street team or sumn out this MF (lol).... any who, I want to talk about happiness. I just got out of my first "real" relationship, with my first love and I'm soooo lost right now people. Like for real, like a GPS cant even find my a$$ right now but I had to come to a realization. When some1 isnt happy with themselves and overall in their life it aint no way you can make them happy. Ive been not happy with my job, not happy with my choices but to be overall an unhappy person is different. Like the Anthony Hamilton song says.."If youre good, then Im good, and we're good." I had to realize that I cant be a power ranger/ God almighty himself and save the people from their misery because its easier for a miserable person to make others miserable than it is for a happy person to make others happy. Happiness starts within and it is deep. It requires a crazy combination of self esteem, self worth, etc...etc.. BUT misery is just there & it causes people to play victim and not to be able to recognize when they are mad about stuff they cant control. Like, what is the reason to let a baby daddy/baby momma to make you miserable? Can you control how other people act? Can you really go back in the past & change the fact that you had a child with this person? Absolutely NOT!! So why dwell? The truest words that were ever spoken are..."It is what it is" Deal with it. Happiness loves harmony, but misery love company. Thats food for thought yall do the dishes AND respond, PLEASE!!!!!